Friday, February 11, 2022

Reviving this blog - and a whole new cohousing venture

This blog has seriously languished in recent years. I can't blame the pandemic because the blog started languishing a whole year before the pandemic began. But I have been engrossed in my various projects.

The last time I posted, I was telling you all about our exciting plans for an elders cohousing community in south Devon (on the Dartington Hall estate near Totnes). Everything was going wonderfully well but suddenly, due to a financial crisis the Dartington Hall Trust was experiencing, they pulled the plug and the entire thing was cancelled  Needless to say, we were bitterly disappointed.

But as one door closes, another opens. I discovered that one of our local families right here in our north Devin village had received the green light to develop some land at the edge of the village for housing -- including affordable housing for locals -- and they were interested in incorporating our elders cohousing community into that.complex. Several other local elders were interested in this concept as well as some former residents of the District who wanted to move back, plus various people from other parts of the country. 

So now we have a whole new group and a whole new plan. You can read about the housing venture in general -- and our elders community in particular -- online at 


  1. Anonymous7:41 pm

    I'm so pleased to see an update from you. I hope the new housing goes really smoothly - it sounds great!

  2. I am glad you are looking at this concept and I want to know more. A friend and I have started to talk about it. It has long been part of my conversations with others but no one has ever been curious. Maybe I have reached "an age". (58). Marian, I have been reading The Lilypad List. I am so grateful to have found that book and to find you still writing. I feel profoundly "sistered" by your thoughts and encouragements in my simple life activities. Mainstream is quite uncomfortable and lonely to swim against.


Message from Marian: I love to get your feedback. So please don't be put off by the fact that I am now screening all comments before they are posted. I had to do this, as I was getting too many spam comments.
Also, please don't worry if your comment doesn't appear for a while. (I am sometimes travelling and unable to access the Internet).