Sunday, October 02, 2016

Me - A Retrospective

Like most people, I save photographs. And like most people my age, a lot of those photographs pre-date the digital era. But of course paper deteriorates over time. Some folk who, like me, have collections of old photos in a box in the attic, are tackling the task of scanning them in order to preserve them for future generations.
Whether or not future generations will have the slightest interest in my collection I have no idea. And I certainly have neither the time nor energy to scan the hundreds of photos in that big old box.  But I decided to nominate a few categories and pick out just a few pictures in each category to be scanned for posterity.
Here, then, is the first category. Me.
1975 (approx)
It feels strange to think that the further back I go, the fewer people there are who remember those earlier versions of me. But looking back at them has been fun.


  1. Betty Taylor11:42 pm

    I loved seeing those and it was surprising to see that you were recognizable to me in the very first one--the eyes, I think? And of course I know you only from photographs.

  2. What a fun thing to do! I also have hundreds in boxes, plus albums full. This is a great idea, and you are so beautiful! I'm glad I got to meet you and share a table at Crones Counsel, once! Hugs to you....You matter to me!

  3. Love these Marian, from the first to the last, and your spirit shines in every one.

  4. Thank you for sharing these. It is true that there are a lot of changes over the decades, but you do look just like you in each one. What a lovely person you are - and have been.

  5. Thank you so much, Betty, Ginger, Cate, Kelli for all those lovely comments!

  6. Good for you--your family will appreciate this for sure. I saved back my income tax return last year and purchased a slide scanner to digitize my thousands of slides. Lots of device difficulties have slowed this project down, but I'm determined! So happy you're still here, still blogging, still traveling. I keep pushing myself to get back to blogging, arthritis, cataracts, and "antique" devices are giving me grrrrrief at the moment.

    I'll be back!

  7. Thanks, Claudia! Nice to see you here.

  8. Beautiful photos. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  9. What an amazing blog post!!

  10. This is so much fun and full of sentiments. A great retrospection apparently moves emotions and feelings or something like that. I find myself doing the same thing few days ago wherein I looked for my old photographs and yeah it was a solid move I did.

    Well, it takes a lot of courage to face the reality right but it’s a great feeling as well to remember all those times and years!

  11. Fun. Enjoyed seeing these. So glam in so many.

  12. Lovely photos. I think I might do that too if I keep blogging!


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