Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Self-Therapy Made Easy

Today, instead of my usual musings, I am going to do some shameless self-promotion. It's something authors do, I'm afraid. In fact these days our publishers not only expect it, they require it.

Why today? Because here comes another new book! This is another in the 'Made Easy' series from John Hunt Publishing. The 'Made Easy' books span several of the publisher's different imprints, so while  the last one I wrote, Downshifting Made Easy, was under the Earth Books imprint, this new one is under an imprint called Psyche Books.

Readers of my book The Lilypad List, may remember that there was an appendix in the back of that book with some ideas about self-therapy and quite a few readers said they found this useful. Those ideas are greatly expanded upon in this new book. I hope people will find this one useful also.

Here is a post from me on the Psyche Books blog that explains what the book is all about and why I wrote it.


  1. Congratulations, Marian, another 'baby' birthed!

  2. Well the head is crowning anyway, Tess! So thanks. The book is at the printers and due to make its full emergence from the birth canal some time in the next couple of weeks. But it's available for pre-order already so I figured it was time to announce the happy arrival.

  3. Another fabulous read, I`m sure. Just like all your other books.

  4. Thanks, Sarina, for that lovely vote of confidence!

  5. I just stumbled onto your site. Congrats on your authorships!

  6. Congratulations - and for you!!!

  7. Thanks for the congrats,folks!

  8. I stumbled upon your blog via "the philosophy of lists"- blog, and it is wonderful.
    Great writing and for someone who's unhappy but seems unable to change it herself, there is a lot for me to think about in your entries.

    I will certainly check out some of your books as well, and start following your blog of course.



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Also, please don't worry if your comment doesn't appear for a while. (I am sometimes travelling and unable to access the Internet).