Today's stop on my 'virtual blog tour' is one of the online communities I belong to. This one is the Creation Spirituality Communities Network, a rapidly-growing community of people (currently just over 700) from all around the world whose spirituality is grounded in our lovely Planet Earth and the wonder and beauty of all Creation. I chose this as a way to introduce you to a lovely and interesting community of people.
Today's post, inspired, as my posts often are, by my morning walk along the lanes, is entitled '
On the Deck of the Earthship'.
If you want to leave a comment on this post, you won't be able to leave it there unless you register with the site, so you can simply leave it here.
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Message from Marian: I love to get your feedback. So please don't be put off by the fact that I am now screening all comments before they are posted. I had to do this, as I was getting too many spam comments.
Also, please don't worry if your comment doesn't appear for a while. (I am sometimes travelling and unable to access the Internet).