How very hard it is to stay indoors when the sap is rising,
the birds are singing and the garden is calling me to dig and weed, and rake
and sow. Who wants to sit at a desk, staring at a screen when they can sit or
walk or work outside and feel sunshine on their skin? Well, some folks might, but I don't.
My skin craves
sunshine. I know this is not just because I spent forty years of my adult life
living in sunny parts of the world like Australia
and California
and got accustomed to it, because I remember how I craved sunshine as a child.
It was as though there was some ancient piece of programming in this English
brain of mine that made it well-nigh impossible to remain indoors on a sunny
day. Whenever I awoke to a morning of blue sky and slanting sunbeams I would
experience an immediate and powerful urge to leap out of bed and run outdoors.
I can still remember, vividly, the power of that bodily
urge and I remember how quickly and surprisingly it left me when I moved away
from England .
So much so that I forgot all about it for decades until, the first spring after
I came back here to live, it reasserted itself with the same force as ever.
There was an item in the BBC news yesterday about the
importance of Vitamin D to our health and about how we poor denizens of the
northern latitudes who don’t get enough sunshine on our skin need to take
Vitamin D supplements to keep ourselves healthy. Those same health authorities
who fussed and worried and sent us all scurrying for shade and slathering
ourselves from head to toe with SPF 15, are now suggesting that maybe they went
a bit too far overboard and a little sun on the skin is actually a Good
Thing (just a little, mind). Not that I
ever took much notice of those warnings in the first place, except that I was
always careful not to burn.